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Indium - a little known trace mineral packing a poweful punch!

Indium - a little known trace mineral packing a poweful punch!

Posted by Rebecca Montrone on 14th Oct 2023

I remember the date because I wanted to figure out how long I had been taking Indium myself.  

It was July 10, 2023, when I met with a client for a routine follow-up visit.  On her phone she had a picture of a small bottle labeled "Indium - The Hormone Balancer." 

She asked, "Do you know about this?  Can you get this for me?  

I was stunned.  I had never heard of Indium before, and I thought that of all people, I should have!  

I couldn't wait to get home at the end of the day to learn about it.  On Amazon I found a short book, Patented Power in a Drop - INDIUM - New Mineral Discovery of the 21st Century by Dr. Joseph B. Marion, ND. I downloaded the kindle version and read it on the Amazon app that night.  

I was amazed at what I learned.  First, that the original scientific work was done right here in New Hampshire at Dartmouth Medical College under the direction of George Schroeder, MD, back in the 1960's.  

Two weeks after starting Indium myself, I noticed I could read without my reading glasses.  Others have reported similar and other positives, as well, such as fewer arthritic symptoms, upbeat mood, greater energy, better focus.  

One of the testimonials in the book speaks volumes, as it is written in 1997 by a Dr. Andrew Bain in Pennsylvania using Indium in his practice:  "I now feel that you are just scratching the surface and will find out that Indium is much more beneficial than you ever dreamed.  My experiences using Indium are replete with almost miraculous results; clear, correct and maintained neurological hormone balance, depression, mental disorders, low chromium, lung and breathing damage; in learning disabled; increasing oxygen, endurance, and sports performance.  No other substance known to science can produce these fantastic results." 

You can find the supplement I am using myself and with clients here, and you can also purchase the short book in paperback form if you are interested in learning more.  

"Go to health!"

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