Product Description
OREGON GRAPE ROOT - For more detailed information, please click on the link...
Mahonia aquifolium - Wild Harvested; grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5.
Support for inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis; diarrhea; intestinal tract and mucous membrane integrity; immune system & liver support.*
Summary: Traditional herbal medicine uses Oregon grape root to stop diarrhea. It slows the passage of stool through the small intestine, but it also keeps bacteria from implanting themselves in the lining. Oregon grape root may also give the immune system a mild boost by encouraging phagocytosis, the engulfing and digesting of bacteria by the white blood cells known as microphages. Oregon grape root and other herbs that contain berberine are scientifically proven to protect against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans, helminthes (worms), and chlamydia. Conditions treated by Oregon grape root include bacterial diarrhea, intestinal parasites, and ocular trachoma. Oregon grape root may increase blood platelet counts and counteract the proliferation of cancerous tumors of the bladder and colon. It has a sedative effect on the smooth muscles lining the digestive tract and can relieve stomach cramps and abdominal pain. Why use Oregon grape root as a whole herb? Why not just take a berberine concentrate? Oregon grape root contains tannins that cross link proteins in the linings of the nose and throat, or in the digestive tract, to seal them against infection. The tannins may also explain the herb?s usefulness in treating psoriasis, a condition characterized by the over-rapid multiplication of cells in the skin. In at least one clinical study, a cream containing Oregon grape root eased inflammation, irritation, and itching.
Precautions: Adults should limit use of Oregon grape root or any other herb containing berberine (barberry, coptis, or goldenseal) to seven consecutive days at a time, waiting at least a week before using the herb again. This gives the natural, helpful bacteria of the intestine a chance to recover. Taking vitamin B6 supplements can give infectious bacteria resistance to the antibacterial toxins in the herb. Do not take Oregon grape root if you are taking antibiotics for diarrhea. The herb is not a problem for nursing mothers unless the baby has jaundice, however it should not be used while pregnant.
Suggested Use: Shake well. Twelve years and older, add 1-4 ml (15-60 drops) to a small amount of water and drink. Use 3-4 times daily as needed. To evaporate alcohol before drinking, add to a cup of heated water (no microwave!) and allow to sit for ten minutes before drinking. If an herb is appropriate for children, herb doses for children under 12 are typically 1/2 the adult dose; adjust by weight accordingly or check with a qualified practitioner.
*This statement not evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.