Product Description
LAVENDER FLOWER - For more detailed information, please click on the link...
Lavandula officinalis - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5.
Supports digestion, relaxation; traditionallyused for hormonally-related migraine headaches.*
Support: Lavender has been thought for centuries to enflame passions as an aphrodisiac, and is still one of the most recognized scents in the world. The German Commission E commended lavender for treating insomnia, nervous stomach, and anxiety. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia lists lavender as a treatment for flatulence, colic, and depressive headaches, and many modern herbal practitioners use the herb to treat migraines in menopause. In Spain, lavender is added to teas to treat diabetes and insulin resistance.
Precautions: For best results, avoid heating the herb directly with boiling water, although a simmer is fine.
*This statement not evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.