Wondrous Roots Radio Notes - Leaky Gut - Sept 16, 2017


SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2017 – Listener asks about AMINO ACIDS – what they are, how to use them to support health AND Leaky Gut.  Why so many with “leaky gut,” what is it, how to fix it.  

A listener comments and asks...


"Hi Becky ~   Another very good, and informative program today.  You do provide so many useful topics and advice.

I have written before with possible suggestions for your show -- and I did think of something else that might be good.  

A couple of things came to mind today - and I am wondering if you would discuss amino acid supplements - and the benefits.

Also, would you consider talking about leaky gut syndrome.   Either on a separate program, or with the same program as amino acids.

A friend suggested I take L-Lysine tablets for my leaky gut syndrome but I've heard it raises cholesterol so I have held off even though I now have the supplement bottle sitting on my table....

I would be very interested to hear your recommendations and thoughts on this.

I just want to add that I do think it best to try to get all the nutrients from food sources, but many times it is not possible.

So I recognize the need for certain supplements.

Thank you Becky for the wonderful programming."   

What ARE "amino acids?"

20 "Kinds" of amino acids
What are Branched Chain Amino Acids?
5 Health-Boosting Benefits of Amino Acids
 Specific amino acids for specific health conditions


Leaky Gut Syndrome in Plain English and How to Fix It
Seven Signs & Symptoms You have "Leaky Gut"


Amino acids and more to heal a "Leaky Gut"

In my opinion, the.....Best Diet for Healing Leaky Gut

Specific Carbohydrate Diet for Intestinal Inflammation
