Wondrous Roots Radio Notes - Lou Gehrig's Disease (ALS) - Aug 27, 2016


SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2016 – Krista Montrone joins Mom Becky for an exciting discussion regarding prevention of and natural approaches to address Lou Gehrig’s disease: ALS. 


Stephen Hawking



Betty Davis


ALS - LOU GEHRIG'S DISEASE... let's talk...

We're all gonna die... THANK GOD! ..."beam me aboard Scotty"... but in the meantime ... let's live this mortal life to the fullest!

Woman Holds Party Before Killing Herself in an Assisted Suicide

Inside my Terminally Ill Friends Party Before Ending Her Life

NO CURE?  Really?  Well, CURES can only come from the AMA validated through the FDA and controlled by Big Pharma ... Don't you DARE try to help anyone otherwise; THAT's against the law!


KETOGENIC DIET (low carb/high fat) – and this is exciting:  check this out A ketogenic diet as a potential novel therapeutic intervention in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - See more at: http://www.drperlmutter.com/use-ketogenic-diet-treating-als/





15 BEST KETO RECIPES for Weightloss (and more)!


Interesting, sulfur seen to be high in people with ALS.  I read this as an inability to convert sulfur to the usable sulfate.  To help with that we use the trace mineral molybdenum.  So then I wondered about:

  • Molybdenum deficiency and ALS: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4782119/   There is an accumulation of evidence suggesting that some sporadic cases of ALS are at least partly due to genetic mutations (22). In the light of this evidence, it is possible that rather than Mo deficiency in isolation being the cause of SC-ALS it could be that Mo deficiency is the environmental factor that leads to the complete disease in persons of a particular genotype.  Interesting, as well, because molybdenum assists in the digestion of fats and carbohydrates.  You have problems digesting fats, and your fluctuation in blood sugar might also be related here.  Here is a paper – Impaired glucose tolerance in patients with ALS:  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20184518  Molybdenum will be of great benefit for you, I feel.
  • Ginseng. In an animal model of ALS, ginseng was shown to significantly delay the onset of ALS symptoms (Jiang 2000). An extract from the ginseng plant called ginsenoside has also been found to increase the expression of SOD1 (Kim 1996). Ginseng and its extracts may also be able to protect motor neurons from apoptosis and membrane damage, further helping to slow the progression of ALS (Radad 2011). I have chosen a ginseng supplement for you I believe is high-quality with the correct form of ginseng and a standardized dose of the ginsenosides.
  • And, yes, I do think supplementing with SOD will be helpful in spite of the genetic deficit in the enzyme:
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).The genetic form of ALS is autosomal dominant with a defect on SOD1, the gene encoding SOD. Superoxide is an oxygen molecule with an extra electron. SOD is an antioxidant enzyme that adds hydrogen to the superoxide molecule to convert it into stable oxygen plus hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (Robberecht 2000).There is evidence that the point mutations in SOD, which are associated with ALS, may contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction (Beal 1999b). Another study showed that treatment with SOD improves neuromuscular dysfunction and morphological changes in wobbler mouse motor neuron disease (Ikeda et al. 1995).SOD is under Phase I scientific investigation for its use in ALS (Kinoshita et al. 1998; Hurko et al. 2000). - See more at: http://www.lifeextensionvitamins.com/amlascapa3di.html#sthash.YO2kGJBB.dpuf




FIX.COM - NUT, SEED, AND FLOWER OILS - Which Cooking Oil to Use When!  While I do not recommend or every use polyunsaturated oils, this is a TERRIFIC guide to what oils remain intact at what temperature.  I'm printing this to tape into the inside of a kitchen cupboard!