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Single Extracts U-V-W-X-Y-Z

  • Red Vine Leaf Herb Extract Red Vine Leaf Herb Extract

    Red Vine Leaf Herb Extract

    Red Vine Leaf Extract Benefits The following are the main benefits of the product*: The red vine leaf extracts result in relief of the symptoms of CVI or varicose veins. This means that the person no longer suffers from the pain that comes with the...

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  • Yucca Root Extract Yucca Root Extract

    Yucca Root Extract

    YUCCA ROOT - For further information, please click on link... Yucca filamentosa - Wildharvested, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Supports skin, hair, and joint health; especially prized for its anti-inflammatory properties...

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  • Yohimbe Bark Extract Yohimbe Bark Extract

    Yohimbe Bark Extract

    YOHIMBE BARK - For further information, please click on link... Corynanthe yohimbe - Wild Harvested, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Supports healthy sexual function in men and women; supports circulation.* Summary: Yohimbe...

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  • Yerba Santa Leaf Extract Yerba Santa Leaf Extract

    Yerba Santa Leaf Extract

    YERBA SANTA LEAF - For further details, please click on link... Eriodictyon sp.- Wild Harvested; grain alcohol 60%, spring water.  Strength 1:5. Supports healthy respiratory function; traditionally used for cough, asthma, pleurisy, pneumonia,...

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  • Yellow Dock Root Extract Yellow Dock Root Extract

    Yellow Dock Root Extract

    YELLOW DOCK ROOT - For further details, please click on link... Rumex crispus - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Used as a gentle laxative; supports healthy liver detoxification.* Summary: Yellow dock is the...

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  • Yarrow Leaf & Flower Extract Yarrow Leaf & Flower Extract

    Yarrow Leaf & Flower Extract

    YARROW LEAF & FLOWER - For further details, please click on link... Achillea millefolium - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Supports balance in the blood; used for fevers, colds, bruises, blisters, menstrual...

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  • Wormwood Herb Extract Wormwood Herb Extract

    Wormwood Herb Extract

    WORMWOOD HERB - For further details, please click on the link... Artimesia absinthus - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Supports healthy digestion and elimination; used as an antiparsitic.*  Wormwood is a...

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  • Wild Yam Root Extract Wild Yam Root Extract

    Wild Yam Root Extract

    WILD YAM ROOT - For further details, please click on the link... Dioscorea villosa - Wild Harvested; grain alcohol 60%, spring water.  Strength 1:5. Used for vaginal discarge, cloudy urine, chronic cough, muscle soreness, back pain...

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  • Wild Lettuce Herb Extract Wild Lettuce Herb Extract

    Wild Lettuce Herb Extract

    WILD LETTUCE LEAF - For further details, please click on the link...   KNOWN AS "NATURE'S MORPHINE"  Lactuca virosa - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Calming; promotes relaxation and rest...

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  • Wild Cherry Bark Extract Wild Cherry Bark Extract

    Wild Cherry Bark Extract

    WILD CHERRY BARK - For further details, please click on link... Prunus serotina - Certified Organic; grain alcohol 60%, spring water.  Strength 1:5. Supports respiratory function.* Summary: Much of the healing activity of wild cherry...

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  • White Willow Bark Extract White Willow Bark Extract

    White Willow Bark Extract

    WHITE WILLOW BARK - For further details, click on link... Salix alba - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. The botanical source of salicin, aspirin, white willow bark is valued for its analgesic properties...

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  • White Oak Bark Extract White Oak Bark Extract

    White Oak Bark Extract

    WHITE OAK BARK - For further details, please click on link... Quercus petraea - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Antibacterial, antiviral; used topically for Staph infections of the skin; used to dissolve kidney...

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  • Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry) Extract Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry) Extract

    Vitex (Chaste Tree Berry) Extract

    CHASTE TREE BERRY (VITEX) - For detailed information click on the link... Vitex agnus-castus - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5.Supports female hormonal balance; used to ease cyclic breast pain; used traditionally for...

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  • Valerian Root Extract Valerian Root Extract

    Valerian Root Extract

    VALERIAN ROOT - For more detailed information, please click on link... Valeriana officinalis - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Calming and tranquilizing, support for healthy sleep, especially when insomnia is...

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  • Uva Ursi Herb Extract Uva Ursi Herb Extract

    Uva Ursi Herb Extract

    UVA URSI HERB - For further information, please click on the link... Arctostaphylos uva ursi - Certified Organic, grain alcohol 60%, spring water. Strength 1:5. Supports urinary tract health.*   Benefits: Treating Bladder and...

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