Product Description
Topical application for more serious and complex skin lesions. I have just recently added blushwood berry extract to this formula. I am using it with people with more concerning skin lesions, think the "C-word." For basal- and squamous-cell lesions and actinic keratoses, warts, skin lesions, plain eggplant salve is very effective. I recommend this one especially for close-to-the-surface tumors, and not necessarily skin lesions, although this is not a "black salve." Please call and speak with Rebecca for more information and appropriate use. 603-439-2603 or reach out to me through Contact Us.
CONTAINS: Eggplant salve, plantain salve, potassium iodide, Emu oil, Formula C-Plus, melatonin, DMSO (dimethyl sulfide), castor oil, neem oil, Vitamin E