Wondrous Roots Radio Notes - Immune System Support, Brittle Asthma - Jan 21, 2017


SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 2017 – Cold ‘n Flu?  What to DO?  Brittle asthma – dangerous, yes?  Becky offers insight and suggestions.  Caller questions leaping that day; listen in, and follow notes ‘n links HERE.


Client Asks!

" Hi Becky, how are you?  It seems I've been getting more frequent colds: sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, mucus, cough. I sometimes take AirBorne and Vit C, but I'm not religious about it.

Wondering if you have anything I can take to  support my immune system or what else you might think I can do."

I would recommend this!
Take one capsule daily.
Also, you might to keep on hand one or more of these to fight stuff as it is coming on:


A Case of "BRITTLE" Asthma - What to DO?  

Wheat and asthma. Some people will have particularly bad asthma during grass pollen season combined with eating wheat and other foods that “cross-react” with the grass pollens.  Here is an informative article and a list of foods to avoid if you are allergic to grass pollen, as they cross-react with the pollen being inhaled and make things worse:  http://www.healwithfood.org/allergicrhinitis/foods-avoid-allergic-grass-pollen.php

Here is a page on wheat and asthma, and while the focus here is gluten, I tend to be more concerned about wheat itself that gluten alone.  http://eattobreathe.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-wheat-makes-asthmatics-wheeze.html

Glutathione Asthma Allergies

Magnesium and asthma:  http://drsircus.com/asthma/magnesium-asthma/

Vitamin D Deficiency Severity of Childhood Asthma

Omega-3 fatty acids and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15674003

Iodine deficiency and asthma:  http://joannebrophy.com/programs/iodinetherapy.htm

Bovine colostrum and asthma/allergies:  https://immunetree.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Asthma-and-Allergies.pdf

Probiotics and asthma:  http://www.naturalnews.com/027273_probiotics_asthma.html

Fungal sensitivity and brittle asthma http://patient.info/doctor/acute-severe-asthma-and-status-asthmaticus  Candia albicans and aspergillus can be culprits here – the probiotics will be of help.


Help for Diabetes, Type 2 AND Type 1?

To Reverse Diabetes Follow the No-Change Rule - thank you once again, John Huyck!

FINALLY... GEROVITAL GH3 - amazing...


Gerovital GH3 FAQ



Interview Ana Aslan

I have been using GH3 from this company exclusively for the last ten years and am completely confident of authenticity and quality; what's more, personnel are very scientifically informed.

Make sure you use AUTHENTIC GH3!  Years ago I tried another brand; my clients and I both knew immediately:  NOT WORKING!

BENZOIC ACID/POTASSIUM METABISULPHITE: stabilise the pH value of GH3 at between 3.3 and 3.5 (acidulous). Outside this environment the Procaine molecule is destroyed rendering the formula completely useless. Most cheap imitations on the Internet are simply "chemical copies" of GH3 with added vitamins and preservatives. Manufacturing protocols for Genuine GH3 are long and complicated taking up to 3 days to complete. Our GH3 tablets are manufactured under the most stringest quality and purity control regulations in the world.