Product Description
A Wondrous Botanical First-Aid Kit for the Cold 'n Flu Season - A $71 value for $49!
This is a wonderful value... use Nip It when coming down with cold; use Flu-Enz when achy and feverish, use Echinacea/Elderberry for children or pregnancy/ nursing Moms. Lips great for everyone - anti cold sore but just nice for lips in general... Wondrous Nose for winter dryness and viral protection
Nip it in the Bud 1 oz bottle - $12
Osha Root Extract 1 oz bottle - $12
Echinacea & Elderberry 1 oz bottle - $12
Wondrous Lips for Cold Sores 'n More - $8
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3 Reviews
Cold 'n Flu Rescue Kit
This kit has all the essentials! The Wondrous nose has been a lifesaver for my son who has suffered from nose bleeds for years. The value in this box far surpasses its price! It makes an excellent gift for others... or for yourself!
Cold n flu
Excellent product, incredible immune support!
Great products
I like all of these products and have used them anytime I feel a cold coming or actually get one.